Our new implantable prism probes, custom designed for in vivo imaging with nVista, enable you to visualize Ca2+ activity in hundreds of neurons across multiple cortical layers in freely behaving rodents.
The prism-GRIN probe is a wonderful tool...It is very exciting! We have quickly acquired a very large amount of data! We hope this tool will help us gain new insights into the dynamic interactions and the information flow across cortical layers during active behaviors.
Our new implantable prism probes, custom designed for in vivo imaging with nVista, enable you to visualize Ca2+ activity in hundreds of neurons across multiple cortical layers in freely behaving rodents.
Animal Model: Mouse Brain Area: Neocortex (Somatasensory) Indicator: GCaMP6m Notes: 1.0mm diameter prism probe during exploration of novel textures in novel environment. Courtesy Of: Inscopix Labs
Animal Model: Rat Brain Area: NeoCortex (medial Prefrontal Cortex) Indicator: GCaMP6f Notes: 7.0mm long 0.6mm diameter probe. Courtesy Of: Eichenbaum Lab, Boston University